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Article: Why grown-ups should read children's books

Why grown-ups should read children's books

Why grown-ups should read children's books

There is a certain amount of magic in books for children. It teaches us about things like the relationship between good and evil and the power of imagination, but also about our life here on earth and harsh topics such as death and betrayal. These are all difficult concepts - even for adults sometimes and that’s ok. It just means we’re all still trying to figure out the concept of life.

1. Everything is possible. Even the sky is not the limit.

There might be monsters, fairies, magic powers, and talking animals. Everything is possible in the world of kid lit. As adults, we tend to limit our dreams to what we know is possible. We live by the rules of society and forget that there might be a magic pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. We stopped looking for the magic because in our adult minds it doesn’t exist. It’s all ‘pretend.’ Magic, however, can be in the smallest things you just have to pay attention.

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2. There’s a lesson in every story, even your own

We’ve all had those moments when nothing seems to go in your favor, and you can’t see the way out. It's a bit on the cliche side, but it’s true that where one door closes, another one opens. Stepping into the unexpected is one of the most inspiring things in life. Sometimes you need to fall face down before you can bounce back into something new. And isn’t that the most magical thing when failure (or better: redirection) turns into a perfectly cut diamond?

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3. It reminds us of the power of love

As an adult, nothing, seems to be more complex than love. Yet it is the key to our entire existence, and it should be simple and easy. The world can be cold sometimes, grown-ups forgot what it felt like to have unconditional love for the things surrounding them. We ruin our planet, sometimes even each other. Conversations focus more on what people do, than on who they are. Children’s books, however, can show the good in people in quite the unexpected way. It is usually the underdog, that has the purest heart. Reading about it, without all the complexity, creates that warm fuzzy feeling inside of us. And that fuzzy feeling, for me personally, does something else: I get hopeful. Hopeful that with showing love, warmth, and care, I create beautiful connections with beautiful people. And that my online friends, is the power of love.


A few favorite books if you have no clue where to start:

  1. The BFG - Roald Dahl
  2. The Rainbow Fish - Marcus Pfister
  3. Where The Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak
  4. Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exuperty
  5. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl

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